![]() V.P.Dzhelepov was born on April 12, 1913 in Moscow. Having graduated St.-Petersburg (Leningrad) Polytechnical Institute he was working from 1936 on at Physico-Technical Institute, at Institute of Radium and Institute of Atomic Energy (now RSC KI). From 1948 he worked at Dubna in Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (1956 - 1989 - Director of Laboratory of Nuclear Problems of the Institute). The scientific heritage of V.P.Dzhelepov is profound and manifold. At the end of 1940s he headed the constructing first Russian synchrocyclotron with 5-meter diameter magnet, soon transformed into 6-diameter one with proton energy 680 MeV. Main results in science connected with V.P.Dzhelepov's name are: charge symmetry of nuclear forces at high energies, finding of spin dependence of exchange forces for neutron - proton system, confirming the hypothesis of nuclear forces charge invariance, confirmation of V-A version of Fermi theory. Undisputable is his priority in early fundamental results on muonic atoms, in muon catalyzed fusion. He was one of the first persons who proposed and was developing proton beam therapeutics of oncological diseases. In 1966 he was elected Corresponding Member of Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Russian Academy of Sciences - now). Since 1967 till his last days V.P.Dzhelepov performed the elective academic position: RAS Nuclear Physics Department Deputy Academician-Secretary (for more than 30 years running). His unmatched energy, vividness, deep sincerity and devotion to science will serve one of the best examples for new scientist generations to follow. |